Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Parent's Glowing Review

I always thought it was my job as a parent to make sure my daughter went to school well fed, rested and clean. I taught her good manners, to be kind to others and to listen to her teacher. When did it become my job to teach my daughter mathematics, science, how to read and essay writing?

Although my daughter loved to go to school, she wasn’t keeping up. In grade 5, her teacher called me at home one evening to tell me her concerns. She could read beautifully but couldn’t answer questions of what had just been read. It was as though it was going in one ear and out the other. She could not keep up with homework and really didn’t care that it wasn’t handed in. I was terrified she would be a high school drop out. Frantic, I called Merle Levine Academy and spoke of my daughter’s problems.  Merle and I had an extensive conversation about my daughter’s learning difficulties; and she made some recommendations that changed not only my life, but my daughter’s as well.

One was to have my daughter tested by an educational psychologist  to determine if she had learning disabilities. It was discovered that my daughter is a non verbal learner. Once my daughter was diagnosed, I enrolled her in Merle Levine Academy. WOW, it was no longer my job to teach her academics anymore! I was told not to help her with her homework. Finally, a school was doing its job. Through a highly individualized education plan, my daughter soared academically.

I am proud to say she got her high school diploma. She went to college for hair and makeup. She has her own business and works for a variety of free lance photographers and often works on set for television productions. If it wasn’t for Merle Levine Academy, I am convinced she would have been a high school dropout!

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