Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Parent Sings Praises

Dear Merle, 
My son attended Merle Levine for two or three years before going on to become the class valedictorian this past June 2012.
He received scholarships to every single university that he applied to....and that totaled eight different schools in all. He chose University of Toronto, St. George Campus downtown and lives at home (which makes me very happy). He's a wonderful, bright, extremely articulate and socially conscious young man. I am very proud of him. He joined a music group at U of T and they perform every weekend in nursing homes. He loves doing this.
He is on a "good" path...A path that you and the wonderful staff at The Merle Levine Academy led him to.

I will never forget his first teacher at your school. She was so wonderful and inspiring and gave all of us so much HOPE and FAITH....Commodities that are easy to lose when you don't quite "fit in" at an early age.
My son is very grateful to his time with his teachers, and with you, Merle, at the helm of the ship, so to speak. I cannot find the appropriate words within my soul to thank you enough.
Thank you so much!

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